The only way to succeed in this fast-paced competitive world is to outperform everyone else. Identify what you are good at, find the corresponding opportunities, strive for excellence in your domain, and become an authority in the same. I have helped millions of people around the world to become Peak Performers, through neuroscience-based practical biohacking techniques
Creating positive and sustainable transformations in people has always been my passion. Though I got into motivational speaking and mindpower training way back in the early 2000s, I was not satisfied with the outcome. That made me go into a deeper level of research on neuroscience, quantum science, etc. I got the chance to get trained under Dr. Richard Bandler on NLP and Hypnotherapy. ‘Thought Process Re-engineering’ (TPR) is the outcome of my research and emerged as the most scientific human transformation program. Millions of people have transformed their lives through different programs I have done using the TPR model.
Rise Up is a Peak performance convention aimed at igniting the infinite potential within you. 8 to 10 hours of deep immersion, rapid transformation using VAK synchronization; thousands of people celebrating their life, breaking limiting beliefs and creating new beliefs; biohacking techniques to create new neural pathways....all in this power-packed transformation event.
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Deep immersion camp for a closed group. Techniques and processes based on fundamentals of neuroscience, human physiology, and psychology. A deeper level of self-exploration, managing own emotions and those of others, biohacking techniques for a long healthy life, finding the true self, connecting with like minds, building ever-lasting relations, and experiencing deeper levels of mind, body, and spirit.
‘Next CAMP i.2.0 date announcing soon.’
I consider this the most demanding program. Researches find that by 2040, preventive health and wellness will contribute to 60% of the healthcare industry. Along with this new professions will emerge in the field of wellness and lifestyle management. Our Viegyan academy provides the most advanced health coaching course in the world as we are the first such certification where epigenetic lifestyle management is taught. We are in the process of creating thousands of world-class Lifestyle Coaches, who could help millions of people to take charge of their own health and live a life of their choice.
Explore Certified Lifestyle Coaching
I love to support people to identify their true selves and lead the life of their choice. This is done on a one to one coaching for a period of a minimum of six months. As this is a highly time and energy-consuming process, I am always highly selective.
This book which I authored and published in 2010, has helped hundreds and thousands of people to transform their lives. My effort in this book is to demystify the secrets of achieving all your dreams and also to logically and scientifically define the process of manifesting dreams. I have combined the ancient wisdom available in various scriptures with modern science to create practical solutions to live a life of one’s choice. Thathasthu is published in three languages.